E Ki Labonye

201613+125 min

E Ki Labonye Is A Romantic Bengali Movie, Directed By Anindya Sarkar, Starring Locket Chatterjee.The Film E Ki Labonye Explores The Inner Conflict Of A Woman For Her Love And Responsibility.The Plot Revolves Around A Couple Married For 12 Years. But There Is No Spark Left In Their Relationship. Labonyo A Celebrity Dancer Loves Amit But She Has Some Responsibilities For Her Husband Kelvin.

Genrer:Drama, Internationalt

Instruktør:Anindya Sarkar

Skuespillere:Locket Chatterjee, Debshankar Haldar, Arijit Ganguly, Saheb Chatterjee, Koushik Chakraborty, Bithika Roy, Nabanita


Tilføjet på Amazon Prime Video:26.6.2021

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